Latitude Advisory Board

Leveraging the Expertise of Respected Distribution Executives

The Latitude Advisory Board (LAB) is tasked with leveraging the members’ seasoned distribution experience to help shape PathGuide’s training programs for all customers, and to provide advice on future product enhancements.

Members of the Latitude Advisory Board, all experienced users of PathGuide’s Latitude WMS, are based in Canada and the U.S. and represent multiple industries, ranging from electrical and retail distribution to marine supplies and architectural detailing.

Latitude Advisory Board Members

Patrick Mitchell – VP of Operations, E.B. Horsman & Son (Surrey, BC)

Amy Moore – VP of Technology & Digital Solutions, E.B. Horsman & Son (Surrey, BC)

Marie Anderson – WMS Support, E.B. Horsman & Son (Surrey, BC)

David Maldonado – Manager of Information Systems, Rexel USA (Dallas, TX)

Mike Potter – CEO, Gordon Electric Supply, Inc. (Mokena, IL)

Chris Saunders – IT Manager, Gordon Electric Supply, Inc. (Mokena, IL)

Richard Grantham – Director of Operations, SMA, Inc. (Jonesboro, AR)

John Willis – Vice President of Supply Chain & Logistics, Lohmiller and Company (Denver, CO)

Kristin Owens – VP of IT Enterprise Applications & Systems Integration (Houston, TX)

Jeff Collins – CFO, Cascade Orthopedic Supply (Chico, CA)

“PathGuide has always treated its customers more as partners, and the company’s welcoming response to our suggestion to create the LAB is a testament to its philosophy,” Bragg noted.  “LAB members are now actively working with senior management in an advisory role, and will provide more hands-on support in the future, such as by serving as a beta test group for Latitude software updates.”

“It’s not often that users approach a company to offer their valuable insight for product enhancements and the development of training modules,” said Eric Allais, president & CEO at PathGuide.  “For this reason, the LAB may be unique in our industry and speaks volumes about our enthusiastic customers.”

Meeting Up

LAB members meet bi-annually in April and after every Latitude User Conference. To learn more about PathGuide’s Latitude Advisory Board, please call 1-888-627-9797.