Medium Customer is Always Right

Forbes Business Council Picks Up Another Influencer Article

Eric Allais is an official member of Forbes Business Council. Here’s his latest thought leadership article on ways to transform customer conflict into constructive conversation. This quick read should help you understand the different ways to uncover what’s behind the customer disagreements so that the focus can be turning these scenarios into growth opportunities. Afterall, the way a company responds when a customer ‘goes ballistic’ has the potential to transform a challenging customer interaction into a win-win solution if treated on its own merits.

When faced with a customer challenge, business leaders should shift their perspective to view it as an opportunity. Instead of a threat to the company, see it as an opportunity to grow and learn. Who doesn’t want a business that has a reputation for being fair and considerate to its customers – even in their most challenging moments? That’s how successful organizations today embrace the philosophy that “the customer is always right.”

To read more on what Eric Allais has to say regarding managing customer conflicts, head on over to the article in Forbes Business Council.