Warehouse Slotting with Latitude WMS

Slotting: Reduce the Footsteps in Your Warehouse

Slotting identifies the most efficient location for inventory within the warehouse based on a number of product and storage characteristics, as well as product demand. When using Latitude WMS to slot your warehouse, your employees will spend less time traveling the floor, getting more done per hour than you thought possible.

Slotting with Latitude WMS

Latitude WMS Slotting suggests where your items should be located, in order to achieve optimal efficiency and picker productivity. Potential deadstock is also analyzed, freeing up more room in your warehouse.

Once the analysis is complete, Latitude directs stock re-arrangement in the warehouse using mobile scanning devices.

The best part about slotting is that you don’t have to slot your entire warehouse in order to see concrete results. Check out this Atlanta Dental Success Story to learn how they learned to pick more orders in less time.

We love questions, so contact us today at 888.627.9797 to learn more!